Application Development

Drive Value From Your Applications

At Virtual Galaxy, we specialize in the evolution, operation, and maintenance of your mission-critical applications. We optimize your application investments so you get more than just cost savings. Our intense focus and comprehensive approach deliver significant improvements in operational excellence, risk mitigation, tangible performance enhancements, and a strategic outlook at the long-term life and evolution of your software and processes.

We work differently than our competitors. We believe optimizing your applications can only come from working hands on with people, processes, and systems. Our dynamic, real-time experience gained from working onsite with clients inside the guts of applications means we recognize and understand nuances and subtleties about business processes and systems that can’t be seen from afar by typical firms. Getting the most from your existing applications depends on running them at their best, keeping them running, and building them to adapt to new directions. At Virtual Galaxy this is our specialty.

Save With Application Portfolio Assessment


Operation Support Costs


Server Consolidation


Support Costs by Retiring Inefficient Applications

Optimize Your Application Investments

Application Development and Integration

Application Development and Integration

Cover the elements of a project implementation that cannot be realized by product configuration or customization alone. The need for systems integration derives from a requirement to treat otherwise stand-alone components as a homogenous entity.

  • Embedding call centre functionality into desktop business applications
  • Access to customer profile database to make routing decisions
  • Bespoke agent Softphone development
  • Desktop and backend integration to CRM and ERP systems
Application Management and Outsourcing

Application Management and Outsourcing

Effective application development and maintenance is one of the foundations for efficient performance. At VGIPL, our expertise is supported by knowledge of a wide variety of applications and technologies. Our teams of highly knowledgeable and experienced staff support more than 600 applications across more than 350 service lines and multiple business sectors.

Our application development capabilities include:

.NET, .Net Remoting, Ajax, jQuery, Web service, Apache, ASP, C, C#, C++, CSS, Common Gateway Interface (CGI), CPLPSL, Crystal Reports, FoxPro, Java, JavaScript, JSP, VB, VB.NET, VBA, Visual C++

Architecture and IT Consulting

Architecture and IT Consulting

Optimizing your IT investments starts with the right application architecture. Effective, flexible systems and actionable insight from business data are vital in today’s dynamic and unpredictable market.

  • Application Portfolio Assessment
  • Rapid Transformation Assessment
  • Customer Data Integration
  • User Experience Design and Implementation
  • Product Selection and Implementation

Enterprise Application Services

Enterprise Application Services

Organizations today expect their Enterprise Applications to take their business performance to higher and beyond – and rightly so. To achieve this, they not only need state-of-the-art technology, in the form of their Enterprise Applications, to meet the specific needs, but also need a partner who can provide cutting-edge solutions and help them redefine the way they do business.

VGIPL’s Enterprise Application Services (EAS) are focused on providing packaged and platform-led services ranging from designing, building, deploying, and managing applications in areas such as ERP, CRM, VSM and EMS. We offer ‘Enterprise Applications’ solutions from leading global vendors such as Oracle, Cisco, Microsoft Gold Certified, IBM, WeP Innovate, HP invent.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Quality Assurance and Testing

  • Process Improvement and Maturity
  • The Offshore Test Model
  • Good Project Discipline – Quality Controls are defined and enforced throughout the entire project life cycle
  • Established Regression Packs – well defined and understood by the organization, efficient to maintain and ‘risk based’ in their design
  • Appropriate Test Tool Strategy – one that will deliver the intended ROI
  • People – A great tester has a unique profile

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