Case Studies

Experiences that added Successful Stories in our Milestones

What We Do for our Clients

VGIPL is proud of the strong partnerships we develop with our clients. We are delighted that many of our clients are happy to speak about the way we work with them and some of the benefits we have been able to provide. We hope you find these case studies interesting and informative.

Case Studies


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board (MSAMB)

Industry type: MSAMB is an ISO 9001-2008 certified organization established under section39 A of Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1963.

Product: E-APMC

Most of the end users of the system were not in favor of the system and were reluctant to adapt new technology and new system. They preferred manual system over computerized one. During requirement gathering stage most of the user were non co-operative. If the system is implemented, they had fear of losing jobs because of there in competency to use the system
The Solution
VGIPL deputed its experience in MSAMB to conduct change management workshops. VGIPL managers conducted workshops, seminars and training sessions for the employees and provided handholding support. Provided training to users to use systems. Collected training feedback. Again provided training to weak students


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board


Maharashtra Labour Welfare Board (MSAMB)

Industry type: The Maharashtra Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 provides for the constitution of a fund for the financing of activities to promote welfare of labour in the state of Maharashtra.

Product: ERP System

Distribution of benefits to workers is not done in a transparent manner. Same workers availing benefits every year. Less collection of revenues from establishments. Lack of uniformity at Division, Circle and Centre Office levels. Lack of accurate information availability to policy makers. Manual working style, computers used only for limited jobs. Repetitive & time consuming tasks. MIS for decision making purpose for the management. Isolated independent software’s functioning as standalone systems. Lack of control over expenses.
The Solution
Simplification of Processes, Online Registration Process, Timely Renewal of the registration, Easy submission of claim application, Improved Service Delivery of Welfare Schemes, Disbursement of benefits through DBT, Increase in Revenue, Reaching out to maximum people with their schemes, Increase the number of registrations of Workers, Bringing in operational efficiency in collection through tripartite contribution / Unpaid Accumulation, Unique and correct record of Workers working for establishments, Online workflow based approval of registration by the approving authority, Work Flow based scheme management, Aadhaar linked verification, Analytical reports for improvements in Welfare Management, Efficient monitoring and tracking of payment collection, Improved accounting & finance procedures, improving work efficiency with the introduction of mobile app.


Maharashtra Labour Welfare Board


Maharashtra Labour Welfare Board


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board(MSAMB)

Industry type: MSAMB is an ISO 9001-2008 certified organization established under section 39 A of Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Regulation) Act, 1963.

Product: ERP System

Manual working style, computers used only for limited jobs Repetitive & time consuming tasks, Isolated independent software’s functioning as standalone systems, Missing of integration between available software, No MIS for decision making purpose for the management
The Solution
VGIPL deputed its experience in MSAMB to conduct change management workshops, VGIPL managers conducted workshops, seminars and training sessions for the employees and provided handholding support, Provided training to users to use systems., Collected training feedback, Again provided training to weak students.


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board


Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board